AMBIDEX, robot arm with innovative cable-driven mechanisms
AMBIDEX is a robot arm that interacts very naturally with humans. It is the fruit of a long-term research project with KOREATECH and, in particular, with professor Yong-Jae Kim, a world leader in the field and a facility equipped with the world's best robotic arm mechanism designing capabilities.
Robot arms have a long history in robotic research where they have mainly been developed for manufacturing purposes focused on precision, repetition and heavy-load work. This kind of heavy, bulky robot arm is not well suited to a home setting and could even be considered dangerous. NAVER LABS work in the areas of hardware, control, recognition and intelligence aims at making the robot arm in the home a reality. AMBIDEX, one of the fruits of such research, was unveiled on stage at DEVIEW. AMBIDEX is safe for people to interact with and even lighter than a human arm.
AMBIDEX uses cable-driven mechanisms that place all the heavy actuators in the shoulder and body parts. This lightens the arms and means they can be driven with wires. Using innovative mechanisms that enhance the force and strength in each joint, AMBIDEX has achieved the same level of control, performance, and precision as industrial robots.
AMBIDEX aims to be a breakthrough robotic hardware solution that can work safely, flexibly and precisely with humans.