Winner of the ECCV'20 Koenderink Award
The European Conference on Computer Vision, held every 2 years, is currently running online this year. NAVER LABS is also sharing research results with researchers around the world. There has been an especially meaningful accomplishment for us at this year’s ECCV. We are excited to share that Dr. Florent Perronnin, Director of Science at NAVER LABS Europe, has been awarded the Koenderink "10 year Test of Time" Award.
The Koenderink Award examines papers published 10 years ago by ECCV and confers fundamental contributions in the field of computer vision to the present day.
This means that either the paper is a very important finding, or it means that it has a significant impact over the long term and has been highly cited. Therefore, it is an invaluable award. The paper presented by Florent Perronnin and his colleagues at the time (Jorge Sanchez, Thomas Mensink), 'Improving the Fisher kernel for large-scale image classification,’ has been regarded as a very useful technology by increasing accuracy compared to existing methods while simultaneously suggesting a more effective method of large-scale image classification.
In addition, NAVER LABS Europe ranked 2nd in the Long Term Visual Localization Challenge in Autonomous Vehicles and has published a large number of papers. More details can be found through the link below.